Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Maple? What is this? We never heard that before. It sound interesting and make us eager to learn it more.
‘’Assalamualaikum class. Sorry, I’m late today.” The first sentence that we heard from our maple lecture, Bro.Aziz.  after introduce ourselves, bro Aziz introduce us about maple, but we didn’t  understand it!! Won that day, we just follow what he asked us to do. After many weeks go along with maple, Alhamdulillah, today we can introduce to you what is maple about. Hopefully you enjoy it!! 

From our humble understanding, Maple is a very powerful   computer algebra system.  It is used by students, educators, mathematicians, statisticians, scientists, and engineers for doing numerical and symbolic computation.So,for those who planning to be researcher,Maple will be the most important subject to be taken . Maple has  many strengths as that will give us many benefits. Among of them are: 

(1) it can do exact integer computation,
(2) it can do numerical computation to any (well, almost) number of specified digits,
 (3) it can do symbolic computation,
(4) it comes with many built-in functions and packages for doing a wide variety of mathematical tasks,
 (5) it has facilities for doing two- and three-dimensional plotting and animation,
(6) it has a worksheet-based interface,
 (7) it has facilities for making technical documents, and
8) mapleis a simple programming language, which means that users can easily write their own functions and packages.
For your information, this is some of the subtopics that we had learn in maple.

our table!!!!

1Basic Algebraic Operations on Expression
2Graphing Functions, Expressions and Equations
3Using Graph and Table to Predict Limits
4Implicit Differentiation
5Tangent Lines                                      

To get information, we also use this link to get a clear view of maple..

that's all.. :)

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